API: Trenbolone acetate Drostanolone propionate Metenolone enanthate Testosterone propionate

A versatile combination of fast-acting steroids, ideal for shorter cycles aimed at lean muscle gain and fat loss. Most selling hot product used by many pro for lean muscle mass cutting and maintaining sherd abbs

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100mg Trenbolone acetate 100mg Drostanolone propionate 75mg Metenolone enanthate 75mg Testosterone propionate

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** To reduce side effects and damages caused to endocrine system, liver Heart, sexual health etc.

Product Guide

Side Effects

Androgenic side effects such as oily skin, acne, seborrhoea, increased facial/body hair growth, scalp hair loss, and virilization may occur. Estrogenic side effects such as gyanecomastia and fluid retention can also occur. STOP THE CYCLE AND SEEK EPXERT GUIDANCE IN CASE OF SEVERE SIDE EFFECTS.


Above mentioned information is for educational and references purposes only. Consult a registered healthcare professional for a proper course of medication.


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